Five minute test can judge how psychopathic you are compared to the rest of the country

If you’ve ever suspected you might be a bit of a psychopath, then this five minute quiz might be worth a go.

So, according to the NHS, psychopaths generally have ‘a severe form of antisocial personality disorder (APD)’.

Those with high levels of psychopathy are often capable of ‘impulsive, irresponsible and criminal behaviour.’

Are you a psychopath? (Lions Gate Films)

Are you a psychopath? (Lions Gate Films)

In the US, 30 percent of the population have ‘low, medium, or high levels of psychopathy,’ Psychopathy Is reported back in 2020.

And in the UK, approximately eight percent of males and two percent of females in the criminal justice system have high levels of psychopathy.

“Among identical twins, if one child is at high risk for psychopathy, the other will

also be at high risk about 70 percent of the time,” Psychopathy Is added.

Meanwhile, an expert in psychology at Oregon State University has created a 26-point quiz, which will indicate where you rank on the psychopathy scale.

Professor Michael Levenson is responsible for developing the interactive version of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, a test of sociopathy.

Those with high levels of psychopathy are often capable of 'impulsive, irresponsible and criminal behaviour,' like Hannibal Lecter (Orion Pictures)

Those with high levels of psychopathy are often capable of ‘impulsive, irresponsible and criminal behaviour,’ like Hannibal Lecter (Orion Pictures)

“Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterised by a lack of empathy for others,” the test reads.

“The LSRP was developed in 1995 for use in psychological research.

“It measures on two scales: primary psychopathy (psychopathic emotional affect) and secondary psychopathy (psychopathic lifestyle).

“The test consists of twenty six statements that could possibly apply to you.

“You must rate each on how much you agree with it on a scale of (1) strongly disagree (2) disagree (3) neither agree nor disagree (4) agree (5) strongly agree.

“Most people will complete the test in five minutes or so.”

30 percent of the population have 'low, medium, or high levels of psychopathy' (Getty Stock Images)

30 percent of the population have ‘low, medium, or high levels of psychopathy’ (Getty Stock Images)

However, it is noted that the test ‘is offered only for educational use’.

“It is not a diagnostic tool or psychological advice of any kind. Additionally, survey responses on this implementation may be recorded for research purposes,” the test guidelines added.

Here are some examples of the options provided on the test:

  • Success is based on survival of the fittest; I am not concerned about the losers.
  • In today’s world, I feel justified in doing anything I can get away with to succeed.
  • I tell other people what they want to hear so that they will do what I want them to do.
  • I find that I am able to pursue one goal for a long time.

If you’d like to give it a try, click on the following link – Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale.

Featured Image Credit: Lee Davison Photography via Getty Images/Filadendron via Getty Images

Topics: EducationHealthMental Health

Expert explains how men can avoid making mistake adults stars agreed is a common issue in bed

Expert explains how men can avoid making mistake adults stars agreed is a common issue in bed

There’s a secret to it

Britt Jones

Britt Jones

Not everyone can rock your world in bed, but if you find yourself making your partner yawn, there’s some things you can do.

An expert has come out to give you tips and tricks about improving your sex life after OnlyFans model, Annie Knight slated Aussie men in bed.

The OF worker said she proudly bedded 300 people over the last 12 months and knows her stuff.

She reckons Aussie men bizarrely feel the need to ‘jump straight in’ during sex.

She said: “What they don’t understand is you have to go slowly. Start by kissing and light touching.”

But she’s not alone, as two others shared the same sentiments.

Popular creators Alicia Davis, Kay Manuel and Katija explained their gripes with men.

Alicia said: “They think it’s all about getting in and getting the job done rather than the little things that can add to the moment.

“Whenever I’ve slept with an Irish or British guy, they have been much more communicative and sensual. It makes a world of difference.”

Kay added: “We are made to feel that stroking their ego by faking it, will make for better sex.

“But that only serves…them.”

Annie is an OF model and knows her stuff. Instagram/@anniekknight

Annie is an OF model and knows her stuff. Instagram/@anniekknight

Finally, Katija finished with: “I’m not sure how men really think we can just make it happen automatically 57 times in a session.

“Even better when they last 10 seconds and ask if I’ve finished!”

So, what can you do?

Sex experts have all of the answers.

Writing for Business Insider, they shared a long list of things you can do to improve your sex life by lasting longer in bed:

Talk to your partner

If you can’t stop yourself from blowing, have a sit down with your partner and explain how you feel. You can come up with a plan.

Use condoms

Condoms are great to get rid of the sensitivity of sex for men, whack one on!

Do pelvic floor exercises

Experts think that a strong pelvic floor can help you to delay ejaculation.

Slow down

Annie mentioned men jumping right in, it’s time to slow down and enjoy yourself so she can enjoy herself too.

Change positions

Switch it up and see how it feels.


Foreplay is something that can help your partner get off while you calm down.


Edging is the process of building yourself up repeatedly before you blow. A lot of couples love this and swear by it’s better orgasms.

Are you slowing down? Getty Stock

Are you slowing down? Getty Stock


This can help you get it out of your system first.

Sex toys

They can give you time to collect yourself.


Think about something else to take you out of the mood.

Numbing medications

Using a numbing medication could make it less sensitive, therefore allowing you to last longer.

Talk to a professional about your health

Poor diet can lead to premature ejaculation.

Take Viagra

A 2007 study found that Viagra helped men with premature ejaculation last longer.

Talk to your healthcare provider or a sex therapist

They’ll help you narrow down your best options.

Take the focus off of penetration

Focus more on foreplay!

Did it work?

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock / Instagram/@anniekknight

Topics: OnlyFansSex and RelationshipsHealthMental Health

Experts warn against the 'worst thing you can do' when you're hungover

Experts warn against the ‘worst thing you can do’ when you’re hungover

Does it ever work?

Stefania Sarrubba

Stefania Sarrubba

Everyone who’s ever had a hangover after a big night out knows that desperate feeling to find a way to ease the throbbing headache the following morning.

LAD: Pub Manager Explains Number On Pint Glass
Credit: TikTok/@pubmandan
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There are several, allegedly miraculous, methods that promise to help with the migraines and nausea but, as with most things, not everything works for everyone.

While no method is guaranteed to make you feel instantly better, some swear by one morning-after solution that is supposedly very effective, though it may seem counterintuitive.

Experts, however, have debunked the method and explained why it may not be the best thing for your body.

Experts have warned against the 'worst thing you can do' when you’re hungover.


Yes, we’re talking about what most people refer to as ‘hair of the dog’. The name refers to an old practice of treating a rabid dog bite by taking hair from the same dog and putting it in the wound.

While this doesn’t seem particularly hygienic, there may have been some truth to it if its logic has been translated to this day and applied to hangovers. That, or people just really like throw common sense out of the window.

“For people who drink occasionally, the use of alcohol to treat hangovers may mask some of the unpleasant symptoms, but it’s only going to make the overall recovery from your night of drinking last longer,” Dr Sarah Shafer, a medical toxicology specialist and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told Business Insider.

In short, the ‘hair of the dog’ approach won’t make your hangover magically disappear; it will just make it last longer.

“Your body feels bad after drinking alcohol because alcohol is a poison,” she continued.

“Our bodies have evolved ways to metabolise alcohol so it’s less harmful to our system, but it’s not good for us, and a hangover is the result of that.”

We've all been there.

Getty stock images

Dr Natasha Bhuyan, national medical director at One Medical, added: “It will just mask or delay symptoms – and when those symptoms return, they could be even more severe.”

In the case of a hangover, the best thing to do is to take it slow, hydrate, and avoid drinking more alcohol.

Depending on how much you’ve drank and how often you consume alcohol, there’s the possibility that you might be having alcohol withdrawal symptoms versus those of a typical hangover.

Dr Shafer warned those who may feel significantly better after having a drink following a hangover to rethink their relationship with alcohol.

“If someone feels significantly better after drinking some alcohol, then some of the symptoms they are experiencing may actually be alcohol withdrawal symptoms,” Shafer said.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Food And DrinkHealth

There's A Test You Can Take To See If You Are A Psychopath

There’s A Test You Can Take To See If You Are A Psychopath

The Psychopathy Checklist is not a definitive way to tell if you’re a psychopath, but it’s certainly interesting

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

If you’ve ever been called – or called someone – a psychopath, it’s possible that you didn’t actually realise the true meaning of the word that you were using.

One definition of psychopathy from a paper written in 2014 describes the disorder as ‘marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioural controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behaviour.’

There are a number of things believed to be involved in the make-up of psychopaths, including genetic influences, but also developmental factors as well.

People seem to be predisposed genetically to the disorder, but their upbringing and development also plays a key role.

Anyway, in the 1970s a forensic psychologist called Robert D. Hare devised a checklist consisting of questions aimed at diagnosing psychopathy, and that test is readily available online.

It's extremely rare to meet a psychopath.

Feng Yu/Alamy Stock Photo

Whilst his work was specifically centred on his work with prisoners in Canada, it has since been applied outside of those circumstances.

Obviously, it’s well worth pointing out that just possessing these qualities does not intrinsically mark you out as a psychopath, it’s much more complex than that, but it’s certainly and interesting checklist to read through.

This test – we are at pains to point out – is definitely not in any way as useful as an actual psychological assessment.

Furthermore, whilst you can run this test yourself, it’s definitely supposed to be done by a professional if you’re to take it seriously.

Disclaimers aside, here’s how it works.

The checklist contains 20 attributes that could contribute to psychopathy, which must be assessed in three categories, ‘does not apply’, accounting for zero points, ‘somewhat applies’, which counts for one, and ‘fully applies’, which yields a grade of three.

All of those scores tally to a total out of 40.

Anyone scoring over 30 – or 25 in the UK – is likely to be a psychopath.

Amongst the criteria are things like ‘glib and superficial charm’, grandiose self-worth’, ‘pathological lying’, ‘lack of remorse or guilt’, ‘parasitic lifestyle’, ‘promiscuous sexual behaviour’, and ‘criminal versatility’.

However, there are criteria on the list that might be surprising.

Things such as ‘lack of realistic long-term goals’, ‘impulsivity’, and ‘irresponsibility’ are also considered.

Ted Bundy scored very highly on the test.

GL Archive/Alamy Stock Photo

The test has been criticised in some circles, with many believing it to be too simplistic or reductive.

Critics suggest that the test doesn’t account for the variable and ever-changing nature of human behaviour, as well as suggesting that many of the criteria can also be applied to other disorders and conditions.

Still, if you’re interested in running the test for yourself, or on someone you know, you can do that here.

If you’re experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They’re open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you’re not comfortable talking on the phone.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Mental HealthHealthWeird

Reason why testicles are wrinkled compared to the rest of skin

Reason why testicles are wrinkled compared to the rest of skin

Ever looked down at your nuts and questioned why they look like they belong to someone 50 years your senior? You’ve come to the right place.

Poppy Bilderbeck

Poppy Bilderbeck

Ever looked down at your nuts and questioned why they look like they belong to someone 50 years your senior? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re sat here on a dreary Monday desperately trying to think of anything but the week of work that lies ahead, then here’s something to take your mind off it.

I can’t speak from personal experience as am not lucky enough to be endowed with two globules of testosterone and semen and a dangly thing which swings slightly between my legs, but who wouldn’t be intrigued as to why sacks of balls often look – and feel – like a pair of walnuts as opposed to nice shiny conkers?

Wrinkly, tough-to-touch balls aren't the most aesthetically pleasing things in the world.

Valentyn Volkov / Alamy Stock Photo

To all those who have the privilege of not having to suffer from monthly bleeds and menstrual cramps, you’ll be relieved to know the ‘rhino skin’ effect that sometimes occurs on your sack has a purpose.

Temperature is the key factor in why your ball sack changes appearance.

The skin around your testes has to be flexible enough to perform both the relax and contract movements – from relaxing and becoming silky smooth and stretchy in warmer conditions to contracting into hardened, crinkled walnuts in a colder situation.

This movement happens in order to regulate the temperature of your testes and make sure your testosterone and semen are being cooked up in optimum conditions, nicely protected from ever-changing outside elements.

So don’t panic, no one’s stolen your balls in the middle of the night and put them in a dehydrator, it’s only natural for wrinkles to form when the skin pulls over your balls to keep the semen and hormones inside toasty warm and fit for purpose.

Some are opting for plastic surgery to smooth them out.

Lucy Rock/ Alamy Stock Photo

However, some people who are insecure over the appearance of their balls are trying something called Scrotox – yes, botox for the scrotum.

Scrotox – nicknamed ‘ball ironing’ by plastic surgeon John Mesa M.D. – sees Botox injected into the scrotum to smooth out the wrinkles, as per Men’s Health.

Oh, and if you wanted your balls to hang lower – although, as someone without a pair, god knows why anyone would want Newton’s pendulum knocking away underneath them while they’re going for a jog or walking the dog – then Scrotox apparently helps with this too.

At the end of the day, it's what's on the inside that counts.

Russ Witherington/ Alamy Stock Photo

Someone who decided to get Scrotox remarked on their balls as being ‘more papery’ in texture as opposed to ‘smoother’ after the injection.

VICE’s Grant Stoddard said: “The smoothness came a few days later, when I looked down at my balls after getting out of bed and noticed that they looked like they do after a long session in a 104-degree hot tub.

“Over the next few days my nuts loosened further until they hung at about the same length as the tip of my penis. My scrotum was indeed smoother. It looked less like a brain, cinched tight enough to grate a carrot on, and more like a couple of smooth, round river rocks swaying in a silk handkerchief.”

So there you have it. But try and remember, it’s what’s on the inside that counts after all.

Featured Image Credit: Zoran Mladenovic / Alamy Stock Photo/Henadzi Pechan / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Health

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