A pair of identical twins have shown us surprising results after one of them used Botox for 20 years while the other didn’t.
Credit: Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty
Now, Botox has become somewhat of a staple within society over the past decade or so.
While a lot of people were already getting ahead of the trend, it seems as though there is still an ongoing discussion about the pros and cons of the beauty procedure.
One study conducted on a set of identical twins might be able to give us a better insight into it all.
Credit: Peter Cade/Getty
William J. Binder conducted the research on two women known as Twin 1 and Twin 2, one of which had been receiving regular treatments of Botox on the forehead and glabellar region (between the eyebrows) approximately two to three times each year, while the other, had undergone minimal work.
The check-in happened over a period of 13 years, initially starting in 2006.
Credit: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Before-and-after pictures were taken of both women, and it was reported that Twin 2 (right) had noticeably smoother skin and lighter wrinkles on her forehead, while Twin 1 (left), who had only received a couple of Botox shots in her life, had deeper forehead lines, as well as ‘crow’s feet’ lines which became visible when she smiled.
Crow’s feet were less noticeable when the regularly treated twin smiled (even at 7 months after treatment) than when the minimally treated twin smiled.
As for the nasolabial folds, neither twin received any Botox injections in the lower half of the face, and the nasolabial folds in Twin 2 were at least as noticeable at rest as those in Twin 1.
This points to the idea that the lack of direct treatments most likely helped to keep that area in a similar condition, with only the natural process of aging affecting it.
“…The differences between the twins in the severity of their forehead and glabellar lines are attributable to the difference in the number of Botox treatments that each received over a long period of time (rather than a greater propensity for skin aging in the minimally treated twin),” the study stated.
In 2012, Binder followed up on the study to gain further insight into the impacts of Botox around the time the twins were 44 years old.
Twin 2 began her regular Botox injections and revealed even more differences between the sisters, showing that she had less noticeable wrinkles around her mouth compared to Twin 1.
Credit: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Twin 1 (right) also appeared to have a fuller jaw, though it’s unclear whether Botox was a factor in this outcome.
There were other factors that were taken into consideration including the fact that Twin 1 lived in Munich, Germany, while Twin 2 lived in Los Angeles, California.
However, they both worked indoors and used sunscreen when they went outside. Other than the Botox, neither twins had any other treatment to alter the condition of the skin.
“Regarding the aesthetic quality of their skin, consistent long-term treatment with onabotulinumtoxinA [Botox] seems to be the only major difference in the lives of these twins,” Binder concluded.
“With long-term treatment, the patient may become used to having little, if any, need or ability to contract the target muscle and may eventually ‘learn’ to avoid even trying to contract it,” he continued.
“It is also thought that, by relieving the mechanical pressure of chronic muscle contraction in this way, dermal remodeling may be facilitated,” Binder added.
Featured Image Credit: Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty
Paramedic who died for 11 minutes reveals how it felt and what he saw in the ‘afterlife’

By James Kay
A paramedic has shared his experiences after he died for 11 minutes, claiming that he experienced an afterlife.
Dying is something that, sadly, will happen to all of us at some stage – and that can be quite a morbid thought.
Some people fear it while others have accepted its inevitability – but one thing that does offer that first camp some hope is the thought of an afterlife.
A lot of the various theories stem from religion, with heaven and hell, and reincarnation being popular beliefs.
Have you ever given thought to what happens after you die? Credit: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty
What happens after you die will always be a topic of discussion, but what do people who have actually died and come back have to say?
In 2018, paramedic Adam Tapp was electrocuted during a woodwork project and was clinically dead for 11 minutes before being resuscitated. His near-death experience has since reshaped his perspective on life and mortality.
Appearing on the YouTube channel Beyond the Veil, Tapp shared his story, describing the moment as a profound and tranquil journey.
“I felt like I was falling for ages,” he recalled. “And then it was just like waking up from a nap someplace that I’d always been.”
Tapp said he found himself in what he described as “perfect inky blackness,” akin to the vastness of deep space.
“I was seeing spherically from a single point outwards, like I had just become a single point of awareness and I wasn’t Adam, I wasn’t dead, I wasn’t anything. I was just perfect… like absolute contentment, and I was just in this space,” he explained.
Tapp likened the experience to becoming part of “the fabric of the universe,” calling it “perfect” and describing it as a “natural progression” in the cycle of life.
However, the experience was cut short when he was jolted back to life, something he attributes to the defibrillator restarting his heart.
Tapp was in a coma for eight hours before regaining consciousness, unaware of how much time had passed.
Trapp likened the experience to deep space. Credit: Jiojio/Getty
As he processed the experience, he initially struggled with the feeling that reality was no longer real.
“I was left with this overwhelming sense that this is just a stage, this is simply an evolution,” Tapp said. “It was going back to the source of everything.”
The event left a lasting impact on his personality and outlook.
“Something that I have noticed has changed in me, my personality, is my ability to appreciate a moment as opposed to applying meaning to everything,” he said.
Reflecting on the nature of death, Tapp added: “Death is quite possibly the most natural thing that happens. I think that death in itself is just simply a transition.”
Does this soothe any of your fears?
Featured image credit: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty
Supposedly dangerous sex position that could cause a man to fracture his penis

By Nasima Khatun
Health experts have warned people about the dangers of this one particular sex position that can cause a penis to fracture.
The warning comes after a man from Indonesia turned up at a local hospital with a swollen and bruised penis which was reportedly looking like an eggplant when doctors took a look at it.
He stated that he had been having sex with a woman who had been getting down and dirty in the reverse cowgirl position when he heard a “loud popping sound.”
For those of you who may not know what that is, it’s when a woman is on top, facing away from her partner while she pleasures him with the lower half of her body.
Credit: Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty
Doctors soon realized that the patient had fractured his penis as a result of this sex position and rushed him in for emergency surgery, where they did their best to repair his manhood.
The medics at the facility have now issued a warning that an injury of this nature can occur when an erect penis hits their partner’s perineum or pubic bone during intense sex, which can cause it to get injured due to its speed and weight.
While there are no bones in the penis, the injury is still known as a “fracture.”
The tunica albuginea part of the penis, which surrounds the area is made up of collagen and can buckle under severe pressure and can cause it to snap.
Credit: Thomas Barwick/Getty
Rush University Medical Center urologist Laurence Levine, MD, told Cosmopolitan.com that the injury can be really painful.
“Usually there’s no bleeding coming out through the skin, it’s an internal fracture of the jacket of tissue around the erectile cylinders — that blood then leaks out of the erectile cylinders and fills the skin, and therefore gets progressively more swollen and can get very misshapen as well,” Levine said,
“The characteristic appearance of the penis will be what’s called the eggplant penis, where the penis just looks like a purple eggplant; a very irregular, swollen structure,” they added.
A 2014 study of 42 penile fracture cases showed that of the 28 of them that had occurred through vaginal intercourse, with 14 of them happening during woman-on-top sex.
“Our hypothesis is that when the woman is on top, she usually controls the movement with her entire body weight landing on the erect penis, not being able to interrupt it when the penis suffers a wrong-way penetration,” the researchers wrote. “[W]hen the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration…”
If you or anyone you know is suffering from this type of injury, then please seek medical advice immediately.
Featured Image Credit: Ljubaphoto/Getty
Teen was told he just pulled a muscle but it turned out to be rare terminal cancer
By Michelle H
A 16-year-old boy from the UK, initially believing he had a pulled muscle, was later diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. The tumor, located in his pelvis, grew to the size of a watermelon. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, the cancer was deemed terminal.
The teenager first noticed discomfort in his hip, which he attributed to a sports injury. As the pain intensified and his mobility decreased, medical examinations revealed the presence of a large tumor. Further tests identified the cancer as a rare and aggressive sarcoma.
She told The Independent: “We went to see a nurse practitioner who lifted Jack’s shirt and she didn’t even touch him or examine him and within two minutes we were out she said ‘oh it’s just a pulled muscle don’t do anything and if it doesn’t go down come back in eight weeks.”
The boy’s mother expressed her devastation upon learning of the diagnosis. She emphasized the importance of early detection and urged others to seek medical advice if they experience persistent pain.
The family has since focused on creating meaningful memories together. They have received an outpouring of support from their local community, including fundraising efforts to help cover medical expenses and facilitate special experiences for the teenager.
A family friend commented on the community’s response.
The teenager’s school has also been supportive, organizing events to raise awareness about rare cancers and providing counseling services to students affected by the news.
In light of this situation, medical professionals stress the importance of paying attention to persistent or unusual pain, especially in young individuals. Early detection of cancer can significantly improve treatment outcomes.
The family continues to cherish their time together, focusing on the teenager’s comfort and happiness. They remain hopeful for advancements in medical research that may one day provide more effective treatments for rare cancers.
For those interested in supporting the family or learning more about rare sarcomas, local community centers and cancer research organizations can provide resources and information.
In other news, a woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer has opened up about the five warning signs she ignored for months.
Linda Chavez was only 34 when she found out that she had Metastatic Bronchial Carcinoma after a series of misdiagnoses.
The woman, who is a wife and mother of two, claimed that for years doctors attributed her symptoms to less serious conditions.
By the time Chavez was diagnosed, the disease progressed to a terminal stage after it had spread to her brain and bones.
She now uses her TikTok page @theterminalcancershow to regularly update her followers about her condition and raise awareness about the disease.
In a recent video shared on the platform, the now-35-year-old collaborated with Young Lung Cancer Is A Thing to talk about the subtle signs she noticed before receiving her devastating diagnosis.
A GoFundMe page has been established by Chavez’s brother-in-law, Kyle Gregory, to support her cancer treatment.
On December 3, an update on the fundraiser revealed that the TikToker was diagnosed with Leptomingeal dissemination disease, which means cancer has traveled to the cells of the fluid in her brain.
Due to this, Chavez will be “in [and] out of the hospital for labs, procedures, and a rigorous new infusion regime”.
“It’s no doubt the kids and family, friends, and even social media followers breathe life into Lin and her fight,” the update continued. “To those who know Lin, she’s a fighter through and through and won’t go down without fighting the good fight.”
Featured image credit: SDI Productions / Getty
Woman shares 3 symptoms she ignored before being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at 28

By Asiya Ali
A woman has opened up about the three symptoms she ignored for months before receiving a heartbreaking diagnosis of stage 4 cancer.
Georgie Swallow has revealed the three symptoms she ignored for months before receiving a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. Credit: Dave Benett / Getty
Georgie Swallow, a content creator from London, was only 28 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma.
The young influencer initially dismissed the subtle symptoms she was experiencing – itchy legs, night sweats, and persistent exhaustion – as signs of stress and fatigue.
The severity of her condition only became apparent after she consulted her GP and they told her she had cancer.
“I would itch until I broke the skin which would keep me up all night. I went to the doctor and they thought it could be stress, allergies, or urticaria but no cream or lifestyle change would make it go,” she told Surrey Live.
“During this time I was losing weight, having night sweats, constantly exhausted, and a never-ending stream of colds and flus but I just thought I was on the go too much and wearing myself out,” she added.
Swallow told the publication that she discovered a peach-sized lump in her neck after being off work for two weeks due to a severe flu.
“Even then I wasn’t too worried because I just never even contemplated there would be anything serious wrong with me, naively!” she said.
The content creator assumed her symptoms were normal, and was worried that she was “wasting everyone’s time.” However, she later found out that signs of lymphoma are minor which is why the cancer is often detected so late.
“This is why lymphoma is diagnosed so late because you can brush the symptoms off so easily as other things,” she said.
The now-32-year-old heartbreaking revealed that her cancer diagnosis has tragically resulted in early menopause and the loss of her fertility.
Speaking about this with Surrey Live, she said: “Cancer can take quite a lot away from you but having my fertility taken before I’d had a chance to have children was difficult. The menopause at any age can be difficult but at 28 I didn’t have anyone my age to talk to about it.”
“None of my friends understood what I was going through, and as supportive as they were, it’s hard to comfort and relate to something you don’t understand,” she added.
The young woman is now keen to use her platform to spread awareness about the main lymphoma symptoms, and how it affects people physically and mentally.
“There are 42 recognized symptoms of menopause and I think we all talk about the hot flushes and loss of periods but the most important one for me would be mental health,” she explained.
“I have spoken to so many women who felt like they were having a nervous breakdown, myself included, because they didn’t realize what they were experiencing was menopause,” she continued. “Your mood changes and you can suffer with low moments and I think the minute you recognize what it is, the less stressful it becomes.”
Featured image credit: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty
Expert reveals the exact age you need to completely stop drinking beer

By James Kay
An expert has weighed in regarding the age you need to cut beer out of your life completely.
Beer can be quite a divisive drink, as some people love it whereas others just aren’t keen at all.
Then amongst beer drinkers, you can the infighting about which brand of beer is the best, and nobody can seem to agree.
Personally, I believe that German beers reign supreme, but let’s not get into a debate about that right now.
Are you a fan of beer? Credit: SolStock/Getty
While many enjoy getting a cold beer down them, there are also health risks – though that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Medical experts continue to emphasize the risks associated with alcohol, linking excessive intake to various health issues. Some even recommend complete abstinence to reduce long-term impacts.
Dr. Richard Restak, a renowned neurologist and author, has been vocal about the harmful effects of alcohol on brain function.
His works, including How to Prevent Dementia and The Complete Guide to Memory: The Science of Strengthening Your Mind, explore ways to improve health in later life, with specific advice on the dangers of alcohol.
There’s apparently a certain age we should stop drinking beer. Credit: Kevin Trimmer/Getty
In his book, The Complete Guide to Memory, Dr. Restak highlighted alcohol’s damaging effects on nerve cells.
“Alcohol is a very, very weak neurotoxin – it’s not good for nerve cells,” he wrote. He explained that by the age of 65, the body has fewer neurons, making it critical to protect the remaining ones.
“It is essential to abstain from alcohol at a stage in life where preserving neurons is crucial,” Dr. Restak stated, adding: “I strongly suggest that if you are 65 years old or older, that you completely and permanently eliminate alcohol from your diet.”
The neurologist warned that alcohol not only increases the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s but also affects overall physical agility, heightening the likelihood of falls—a significant hazard for older adults.
“If you are already afflicted with other contributors to falls, such as a decline in strength, muscle atrophy, balance issues, and the taking of medications, in that case, drinking alcohol may be especially dangerous,” he explained.
Will you stop drinking the golden stuff? Credit: The Good Brigade/Getty
Beyond the physical risks, Dr. Restak urged individuals to reflect on their reasons for drinking.
Whether it’s due to societal norms or as a coping mechanism for stress, he advised addressing the underlying causes rather than relying on alcohol as a distraction.
Considering we are in the first month of the year, it might be an idea to start doing Dry January.
Or not… it’s completely up to you.
Featured image credit: The Good Brigade/Getty
Woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer at 34 reveals the subtle signs she ignored for months

By Asiya Ali
A woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer has opened up about the five warning signs she ignored for months.
A woman diagnosed with terminal cancer aged 34 shares the five warning signs she ignored. (Stock image). Credit: SimpleImages / Getty
Linda Chavez was only 34 when she found out that she had Metastatic Bronchial Carcinoma after a series of misdiagnoses.
The woman, who is a wife and mother of two, claimed that for years doctors attributed her symptoms to less serious conditions.
By the time Chavez was diagnosed, the disease progressed to a terminal stage after it had spread to her brain and bones.
She now uses her TikTok page @theterminalcancershow to regularly update her followers about her condition and raise awareness about the disease.
In a recent video shared on the platform, the now-35-year-old collaborated with Young Lung Cancer Is A Thing to talk about the subtle signs she noticed before receiving her devastating diagnosis.
Watch the video below:
Persistent coughChavez revealed that she had been experiencing a cough “for years” before seeking medical attention.
She said the cough was minor at first but “eventually it was deeper, it felt very painful and it felt piercing in my chest”.
“Please do not ignore a persistent cough,” she added.
HeadachesThe mom-of-two shared that she woke up “every single morning” with a consistent “headache” for over nine months, often taking Tylenol – a brand name for paracetamol – to deal with the discomfort.
While headaches are not usually considered a primary symptom of lung cancer, the disease can spread to other parts of the body, including the brain, which can subsequently cause headaches.
Pain in her bonesChavez suffered from aches and pains before her cancer diagnosis.
Describing the sensation, she said: “[It was] kind of like when you stub your toe, that initial throbbing, pulsating pain.”
FatigueThe TikToker explained that she also experienced fatigue before her diagnosis.
“Number four, I was definitely exhausted beyond belief and out of breath. I literally had to take shallow breaths due to the pain that I was feeling every time I was inhaling or exhaling,” she said in the clip.
Johns Hopkins Medicine shared on its website that fatigue can be an early sign of various cancers because “cancer uses your body’s nutrients to grow and advance, so those nutrients are no longer replenishing your body”.
“This ‘nutrient theft’ can make you feel extremely tired,” the statement added.
NauseaThe final symptom Chaves suffered from was nausea, which she attributed to the brain cancer affecting her right frontal lobe.
“It was due to the brain cancer, apparently a lot of my brain mets (metastasis), are on my right frontal lobe which controls like hunger, cravings, nausea, and all that,” she explained.
Credit: GoFundMe
A GoFundMe page has been established by Chavez’s brother-in-law, Kyle Gregory, to support her cancer treatment.
On December 3, an update on the fundraiser revealed that the TikToker was diagnosed with Leptomingeal dissemination disease, which means “cancer has traveled to the cells of the fluid in her brain”.
Due to this, Chavez will be “in [and] out of the hospital for labs, procedures, and a rigorous new infusion regime”.
“It’s no doubt the kids and family, friends, and even social media followers breathe life into Lin and her fight,” the update continued. “To those who know Lin, she’s a fighter through and through and won’t go down without fighting the good fight.”